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Valentine’s Day is our fave day of the year to spread love and appreciation to everyone you truly care about, but who exactly should you send your Valentine wishes to? We assume your significant other has already made your “to celebrate” list, but we’re pointing out some additional VIPs in this Valentine's Day checklist that you may be forgetting to show some love. (And just in case, we added the obvious, too.)
Remembering to send everyone a card can be stressful so this year we want to help! To spark some V-Day feels we’ve compiled a list of Everyone You Should Be Showing Some Love This Valentine’s Day:
Whether you’ve celebrated numerous times before, or this is your first Valentine’s Day as a couple, now is the time to show how much you care. At the end of a long day, he can always put a smile on your face and make all of the troubles of the day disappear.
She’s the mother of your children — or dog/cat/plants/cold brew coffee maker/all of the above. She roots for you in everything you do and always pushing you to be the best version of you that you could possibly be. Send her some Valentine wishes to show how much you love and appreciate everything she does.
Mother Figures
Whether you’re sending a card to your mom, stepmom, mentor, or another important woman in your life, they definitely deserve some extra love. They’re there when you need advice or a break, or even when you’re feeling down and could really use a mom hug. (They’re the best kind.)
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Father Figures
Beloved dads, uncles, neighbors, stepdads, and the like — we appreciate you for everything you do! You’ve definitely called him to get the enormous spider out of your room, to ask about his killer cookie recipe, or just when you need someone to talk to. Dads are great and deserve some additional love this time of year!
Your grandparents can be a great example of how love can truly stand the test of time! They also have exponential amounts of love to give. Love-filled fountains of advice and perspective, they have all of the wisdom you could ever need... and then some.
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He may be a little annoying at times, but at the end of the day he’s your brother and you should show him some love! He’s always going to have your back when you need him, and vice versa. Whether you root for the same football team, or both enjoy cooking, he’s a great person to pass free time with!
Sisters before misters — literally! Your sister will always be there when you want to talk about your love life (or lack thereof.) Throughout numerous shopping trips, accomplishments, and other life events, she’s made you feel extra special all of these years. We think it’s finally time to return the love with some compliments!
Best Friend
Your best friend has been by your side through thick and thin. Chances are, they’re one of the first people outside of your actual family that you’ve truly loved. They’ve definitely seen you at your best and probably at your worst, but they’ve never judged you for it. Make sure they know how much you truly care about them!
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Fingers crossed you get along with your roommate! Show some #roomielove this year and leave them an extra special Valentine on your kitchen corner before work. Do they always wash their dishes? Do they always listen to you complain at the end of a long day? Either way, let them know that whatever they do, they’re a true gem.
You probably didn’t know that your heart was capable of putting out any more love until your kids became part of your world. The hours you spent changing diapers and feeding them all pay off the second you know they’re going to make you proud in life. Your kids are your happy place and you should make sure that they know it.
Your pet will always be there for you. Sure they’re a lot of work sometimes, but they also provide you with unconditional love when you need it the most. Who else is going to put up with the endless hours of streaming services you watch, and not complain even once? That’s love.
As you can see, there are many people in your life that deserve some love this Valentine’s Day. Lucky for you, Lovepop's beautiful collection of Valentine’s Day cards are sure to provide numerous options for everyone on your list.
Need message ideas? Check out our post on how to write Valentine's Day card messages to everyone in your life.
We know it can be daunting to send out that many cards. However, our Schedule a Card feature can help! You can now order and schedule a card for all our your upcoming events and holidays. We’ll take care of the rest — no stamps, no messy handwriting, and no smudges for you ever again!
These gifts are really awesome! These accompanied by real flowers will make for the best V’day gift. Nothing can beat the scent of freshly bloomed flowers.