Romantic Red Roses Bouquet
Romantic Red Roses Bouquet
Lovepop Pop-Up Bouquets — our large, standalone centerpieces that are perfect for giving and display. These paper flower bouquets have the same premium quality as Lovepop greeting cards, and are the perfect gifts for small moments, big milestones, or just because. With over 22,000+ 5-star reviews, these allergy-free pop-up bouquets are sure to surprise & delight your loved ones. Plus, they’ll never wilt.
It’s all in the details:
Flowers that never fade: Beautiful, laser-cut designs handcrafted with premium paper
12” high: Blooms stand at 12” high x 8.5” wide for even more wow-factor
Bright blooms: Vibrant, glossy finish makes a statement on a mantel, desk, or anywhere that needs a pop of joy
Sturdy design: Pop-up base to securely lock into place, fold back down for flat storage
Elevated gifting experience: Kraft-paper wrap mimics the experience of gifting real flowers (except these ones will never wilt)
Personalized note: Blank notecard included for your handwritten message, or select “Personalize & Send” at checkout
For shipping, we recommend placing the bouquet inside of a mailer* to ensure it arrives safely to your recipient. Please visit your local post office or shipping store for varied shipping and pricing options.
Don’t want to deal with shipping? Let us do it for you! Select “Personalize & Send” and we’ll print and ship your note with your bouquet directly to your recipient.
*Mailer not included.