Red Rose Grand Bouquet
Red Rose Grand Bouquet
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Make a GRAND entrance with our biggest blooms yet! We’ve taken some of your favorite Lovepop Flowers and supersized them. Surprise your loved ones with this large-scale pop-up bouquet—the most beautiful gift for any occasion. Our Grand Bouquets are the perfect decoration to spruce up a mantel, foyer, table, or any space in your home that could use an extra pop of beauty.
The Red Rose Grand Bouquet is 14.1 inches tall by 10.8 inches wide when fully unfolded.
One pop-up Red Rose Grand Bouquet with a Lovepop Note, packaged in a secure box.
Add a matching pop-up card with the Grand Red Rose Valentine’s Day Bundle.

Both my wife and I were very happy with the bouquet.
I'm especially pleased with customer service. The shipping company lost the original order and I was allowed to reorder. This was unexpected and greatly appreciated.
When I’m looking for the perfect card, “Lovepop” is the best choice. I gave the “Red Rose Grand Bouquet” to my wife. She loved it.
My mom loved it.
Beautiful, but too big to send in the mail! I’m saving it for another occasion
Always perfect.